Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Like the My Littlest Pet Shop version of a guitar, ukeleles keep the scene tweens squealing for super happy camp-pop jams.  The bite sized “plucked lute” has had its glorious moments in the scene and will always make its appearances with the cutest of cute bands: Hellogoodbye : Before Drive Thru drove themselves into an early grave, their nerdy superstars, Hellogoodbye were quite the fan of Ukes. While Forrest, Chris, Jessie, Marcus and crew sat around their campfire eating sticks on a log and singing sugarsweet ballads to their hottie counselors, their uke was the only instrument they had that could hit notes as high as 4Rest’s voice. See: Ukulele Recordings NeverShoutNever : 18 year old Cristofer Drew is still practically a tween himself, so it’s no wonder he is one with the ukelele. He loves it so much, he named his latest EP after it; “Me and My Uke”. If that isn’t puppy love, I don’t know what is. See: Me and My Uke EP What you may never realize about ukuleles is that they are selective. You’ve got to be the size of a chicken nugget to play a ukulele. Think about it, could you ever imagine  Chris Burney from Bowling for Soup rocking out on ukulele? I think not. Anyone over 80 lbs cant fit on a uke, plain and simple. There are instruments for everyone, no matter your shape and size…a nd the uke is for those that never hit puberty, and based on the music they make, don’t really care to.

Read the rest here:  Read the rest of Ukuleles

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Monday, March 30, 2009

OhTehDrama.Com and free emails!


So I have officially released a new little project of mine.  It started as more of a personal challenge; "How long would it take me to make a weblog, that ran itself.  From domain registration to pseudo completion".  The answer?  43 minutes.  The site?  Oh The Drama!;

Coming Up

So Matt and I have been doing a lot of brainstorming. We are going to be expanding the site to have some cool features, like artist and scenester interviews (once I get my next paycheck and go buy a Flip Cam), a secondary blog, Stuff Scene Kids SHOULD Like, and some other surprises. The Stuff Scene Kids Should Like is going to keep you updated on new *~scenester trendzzZZz~*~*, as well as releases, tours, and some sweet Celebri-scene blogs. If you’re in a band,  starting a label,  a graphic designer, a paparazzi and have sweet pics of baby Bronx (or Baby Keaton ), whatever …If you contribute to the scene kid phenomenon in some way shape or form and want to be a part of SSKL/SSKSL or contribute to the site, hit us up in the contact form and we’ll be sure to hit you back and get something going. Hope you’re having a great day. Cause I just got my copy of Wish You Were Here by the wonderful Leslie Simon and Rob Dobi in the mail , and I couldn’t be more stoked.   Word, Keaton     Oh ps: If you use livejournal  and want SSKL to be updated on your friends page, you can add Our  New Syndicated Feed   (thanks Schuyler.livejournal.com) to your friends list!

Read more from the original source:  Read the rest of Coming Up

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Sunday, March 29, 2009


Hailing from New York, scenester capital of the Northeast, Chad Humphrey or chaddoesdesign ,  brings scene to a whole new level. Besides the fact that he’s an 18 year old, two time high school drop out ( how’s that for rebellious? ) turned web designer, Chad specializes  in designing Myspace Layouts. With a hefty list of elite scenester clients, ranging from Boston locals Stay , to the creme de la creme; Fall Out Boy, The Maine,  and We The Kings, Chad proves that all you livejournal icon making tweens may have a future! From what I’ve heard, chaddoesdesign is ” fluent in two languages” : english… and CSS . If you think there is no such thing as The Internet Generation, I hate to tell you..you’re wrong. The hardly legal entrepreneur has recently stepped it up with more scene points than Super Mario. Now, not only does he rep Glamour Kills and their neon designs, he’s their new media guy. Once you get over the flying pigs, neon letters, and the flashy banners with Travis Clark’s ginger mug plastered across your Myspace, maybe you can appreciate Chad for his true scenester intellect, making the internet and that pack of highlighters his oyster to ultimate graphic domination…. If you’re deadset on becoming a scene queen, hit up Chad here: http://chaddoesdesign.com to get that new layout started.

More here:
Read the rest of chaddoesdesign

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Of cowardly teens and Gmail.

Due to the alarming amount of anonymous, underage cowards commenting these days.  I have decided that if you wish to comment, you must be registered, and logged in to leave your oh so important comment.  This, while at the same time saves my sanity, also cuts down on the absurd amount of stupidity that seems to spring forth from the fingers of 15 year old scene kids that are waiting for a reason to tell their parents about how I made them cry, resulting in ANOTHER litigation… because the last three times were so fun. ( Utilizing the words Free Speech and Opinion is fun, ain't it? )

SO! If you use any service that has OpenID ( LiveJournal, Blogger, so on, so forth), you can create an account here as well.  If you don't, open registration is accepted as well.  Registrations may begin here.

Also, in the near future I will be giving out Email address' on a first come, first serve basis for multiple domains, to be provided by ourselves, and Gmail.

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

Friday, March 27, 2009

Comments of Epic Proportion.


As we all know by now, Phreak gets some of the most entertaining, amusing, and more often than not, rather obtuse comments.  It's a fact of life we here all know and love…  for example;

Oh, and 1999 called; it wants its shitty AOL screen name back. But don't worry, it says you can keep "K0RNPHREAK69.

Glaceau Vitamin Water and Smart Water

I may not speak French, but I’m pretty sure that “ Glaceau ” does not mean “ leopard print hair ” or “i

Read the original:  Read the rest of Glaceau Vitamin Water and Smart Water

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Being a gracious Goth.


While this actually applies to Goths, Rivet-Heads, Cyber-Goths, etc, etc, et-fucking-c.. I decided to just throw the entirety of all the related sub-genres into a big pile.  As I am too lazy to write about each walk of life on its own… and in all honesty there really isn't that much of a difference between them aside from the music differing… ever so slightly.

Anthony Green

There’s something about Anthony Green that draws scene kids to him like bugs to a light. As the self-proclaimed “ moshtradomus “, Anthony Green fronts Circa Survive, reps the skunk mask in The Sound of Animals Fighting, and has his own solo band with the members of Good Old War. For a man, Anthony Green has an awfully, shall we say… high pitched …voice.  Its almost shocking how feminine he sounds, especially when you see the number of scenester/XedgeX brodudes that swoon over him at any given Circa/A-Green/old school Saosin show.  I don’t know what it is about him that gets all thoses scene hearts beating, but scenesters treat him like an indie Joe Jonas. Apparently, when he walks into a room, A. Green gives off good vibes, something his devout worshippers live for.  Personally, I love the man, but I think scenesters may be mistaking “vibes” for being high and having a huge ego .  He’ll sit on a  stool in front of a crowd, grin like a fool and ask for a smoke, only to be replied to by cheers and screams and the occasional gutteral “I LOVE YOU D00D”. Maybe it’s his eyes. Anthony Green has some crazy blue eyes, that to any true believing scene kid, he can read into the soul. Maybe its because he is the innovator of softcore moshing, getting kids to throw down to an acoustic. Whether it is his magnetic personality or ten gallon ego, Anthony Green has some major scenester cred even with his incredibly boring and repetitive solo release. Sorry Raneri, there’s another Anthony that can rock an acoustic with half the effort for twice the scene points.

Here is the original post:
Read the rest of Anthony Green

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

DJ Rossstar

Photo Credit: Lauren Steil for those of you that don’t know, DJ Rossstar hit us up here at stuffscenekidslike.com and asked us to have a field day with him, just for kicks. Long Island native and current Los Angeles resident DJ RoSSStar (don’t forget the third S), has had his online radio show, DJ Rossstar’s Punk Rock Show since 2002. He’s been on the red carpet for Buzznet and has his own column in Substream Magazine as well as the host to Havoc on DirecTV 101 every Monday night. Rossstar has access to every band to hop on to the scene from Fall Out Boy, to The Scenic, to Saosin, to Thursday, to Vanna. Having been around since the days when the hat he wears was actually cool, DJ Rossstar’s Punk Rock Show is a scenester must-see. There really is some kind of phenomenon behind  DJ Rossstar: he looks like a frat boy, yet he manages to rake in 40,000+ views doing two shows a week. Personally, I do not get it. Scene kids are beyond critical. They’ll pick at anyone they can (ex: stuffscenekidslike.com ) like vultures over a carcass. Yet somehow, as soon as SuperBro Rossstar struts on Stickam  every girl under 18 in a band tee pauses the new episode of The Real World on TiVo, and sits in front of the screen mindlessly for two hours a week, spamming a chat window with “MAKE NICK SANTINO SAY BITCH TITS!”. Rossstar’s set up is about as impressive as his bro-tastic wardrobe. If you have ever watched his show, notice that he doesn’t have a special room for the show, or anywhere for bands to sit. He films live from his bedroom (which happens to be a mess), and the bands sit on his couch. Seriously dude, you’re supposed to be the God of internet radio, with 40 THOUSAND people a week watching your show, and you do it IN YOUR BEDROOM, even more so ON YOUR COUCH? Really, you can’t do any better than that? If he didn’t have a supermodel girlfriend (yeah, you better believe it), I’d think that [...]

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Going To School For Music Business

Every scene kids dream is to go out on tour, and of course scene kids think that the key to becoming a tour manager or a merch dude (because apparently selling merch is now a career) is not learning the industry by becoming a part of it, but rather by going to school for music business. In the scene, going to music business school is the latest trend. With programs popping up at every caliber of university and college, the smartest and dumbest scenesters are hopping on the band wagon, expecting to become the next Jason Flom. Little do they realize, the music industry is dying, and getting one man MacBook bands signed is not going to save it . The majority of scene kids think that working in the music industry is just something you wake up and do, or something you get into by having a really cool Myspace page. In the mind of a scenester, this is how a day of going to school for music business goes: 11 am: Tour Showers 101 - how to dry shampoo your hair and Febreeze yourself to perfection. 1pm: Lunch: How to live on $3 a day; the Ramen Method. 2pm: How to Make Laminates II ( yeah, the ones with the holograms, bitch ) 4pm: Tour Management: Setting the Alarm, Signing The Merch Sheet, and Bro-ing Down. 8pm-3am: Internship at *insert scenester label, clothing line, venue*, earning  3 credits in their “PARTY-ARTY-ARTYING: Drink Till You Drop” course. Unfortunately, this is not the case. When Ashley Xtr33m gets to college, and realizes she is taking an overpriced marketing program worth nothing if she is unsuccessful in the music industry, it is all too late, and by then, she’s already got too many embarrassing tattoos to ever get a real job anyways…

See the original post here:  Read the rest of Going To School For Music Business

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Converse Chuck Taylors

  Created by Converse Shoe Co. in 1917, Chuck Taylors, first known as All Stars , are the scenester trend to outlive all.  Originally marketed as a basketball shoe  for O.G. player Chuck Taylor  (cause theyre totally supportive, and great for sports) , they made  their way into the scene as one of its founding accessories. Every scene kid, rock star, and worn out 45 year old Cure fan has at least one pair of Chucks. Chucks are the most impractical shoe known to man. How they hold such an importance in scene fashion is incomprehensible. With soles made of concrete, Chucks are what make your knees give and your hips ache after a long day at Warped Tour.  In any weather, Chucks suck. In summer, their rubber lined, suffocating design make your feet sweat like a fat man in a sauna. The pathetic attempt at aeration, two eyelets on the side of the sole, too small to let any air in hardly help. All they do is tease you and your sweat-soaked Invader Zim socks. In the rain, the canvas (and the lovely eyelits mean to keep your feet fresh) turn into a sponge, turning your prized shoes in to rubber-soled puddles. In the cold, the rubber toe freezes, and so do your feet. Chucks in the cold are abut as flexible as a skateboard. Not to mention, no matter how small your feet are, in a pair of Chuck Taylors, you look like a clown.  Even though they are uncomfortable, and anything but weathereproofed, Converse Chuck Taylors in black with white soles have infiltrated the floors of venues like no other shoe. When it comes to a scenesters shoe of preference, not even Dunks, mocassins, boat shoes, flip-flops, or UGG boots will ever be able to compete with Chuck Taylors.

Excerpt from:  Read the rest of Converse Chuck Taylors

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Grammar Naziing, By A Professional: Holding In The Key

There appears to be a little trend going about with girls ranging from the ages of 12-Dumbass where they insist upon holding in the key of the letter they're using to spell a word.


Scene kids may be fashionable, but they are far from politically correct.   Keffiyehs, the scarf that represents Palestinian support in  the war on Gaza, have somehow become part of a scene kid neckwear epidemic. First popularized in the scene by Pete Wentz, from Fall Out Boy’s tour in France  (where the scarves have been sold for years in flea-markets), the scarves have literally wrapped themselves around the scene.  Urban Outfitters hopped on the trend, but replaced original white and black scarves with douche neons to satisfy the true scene kid need and once again became the safest, most politically correct line of “independent” clothing. Suddenly, scenesters have found a solution to many of their everyday issues: -Messy eating habits: who cares if you spill Chipotle all over yourself, nobody can see the beans and rice on your shirt  when you scarf is 30 different colors. It looks like you have something in common with Caleb from 1997’s daughter; you both rock bibs. -Remember that chest piece you got with a Drop Dead Gorgeous lyric on it? Thanks to your keffiyeh, can cover it up and still wear a deep v. No more constant regret every time you look in the mirror. - You kind of look like you’re wearing designer. Houndstooth and terrorism don’t really look that different, do they? Maybe Keffiyeh’s aren’t the most socially conscious scene trend, but they do keep you warm, and all your favorite rock stars wear them. That, and I bet you look  great sporting a keffiyeh while listening to the new War Child: Heroes comp you picked up the other day.

See more here:  Read the rest of Keffiyehs

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Hot Topic

Scenesters have always run rampant in cities or major areas with at least one venue. But it was not until 1988, when Hot Topic was first placed into every mall in, every suburb in America, that the scenster (or what used to be “punk” ) trend spread like gonorrhea on an episode of Degrassi. The chain of stores, now worth millions of dollars, has stocked every scene brand and trend to grace the planet (and the drawstring shopping bags every mall rat in your town carries around). They’ve had everything from Good Charlotte PJs to Bank Clothing’s new line, to the latest CD from local hardcore bands on their shelves. Something about the styrofoam molded walls that make the shop look like a chintzy sex dungeon has, and will forever attract scenesters from every development, condo, and townhouse in the country. Hot Topic’s top selling product, the band tee, is also the reason for the store’s trend setting demise . Every true scene kid has a gay-dar for Hot Topic brand band tees. There is something about them that  scene kids can immediately pick up on, sensing which douchebag couldn’t even get their band tee at the show.  It’s surprising that even the tacky, over priced Cupcake Cult barrettes, and the awkward Napoleon Dynamite memorabilia from  merits more scene points than a band shirt does. Maybe its the unnatural crispiness the shirts have from being on a shelf and not in a merch bin. Maybe its the mediocre designs that Hot Topic always chooses for the shirts, or maybe its the fact that nobody at the latest Boys Like Girls show had the dice shirt, cause its fuckin’ lame ( hence why it is at Hot Topic ). Whatever it is that turns the scene off to Hot Topic tees, kids can smell it from a mile away, like rotting meat. Hot Topic is the scene kids mall paradise, with their Kill City jeans, old school bondage pants ( oh yeah, those are cool still apparently ) , Skelanimals hoodies (complete with kitty ears on the ho [...]

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Wearing Leggings As Pants

Maybe you thought you were the scenest bitch in town with your skinny jeans so skinny you have to zip the zipper with a fork. Well, I hate to break it to you and your pink hair extensions, but there are plenty of scene kids out there with fabric on their legs even tighter than you. Unfortunately, for most passer-bys, rather than wearing actual pants, scene kids everywhere have started sporting leggings instead. Unlike many scene trends, the whole leggings as pants is almost logical. When I was in kindergarten, I used to rock my floral print leggings as pants every day, and let me tell you , I was the coolest girl on the monkey bars. If you go to any given scene band’s show (see: We The Kings, All Time Low, The Cab ), the majority of the attendees are still in elementary school (or at least act like it), so wearing their playground stretch-pants to their big kid playground (the venue) is not really all that weird. Now i know you are saying to yourself “ What about the scene queens, and girls that hang out at Angels and Kings every night? They wear leggings like cat-woman!” . There is an even simpler explanation for that. Girls are sluts. The closer you look to being naked, or in some random piece of fabric from American Apparel, the more likely you are to go home to Brooklyn with Martin Johnson. Just because there is an explanation for wearing leggings as pants does not mean that it is justified. If leggings were pants, they would be called PANTS , and they would not be sold in the tights isle at Target.  Nobody wants to see your little scenester ass flying around left and right. We get it, you wanna fuck , and you have a nice butt. Do that on your own time, not in my face. I know they’re comfortable, but that’s only because there is nothing but a piece of spandex between you being clothed and being naked. Wearing leggings as pants may be the latest in scenester attire, but whenever you go to a show in  leggings, you’re alwa [...]

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Absolutepunk.net is CNN for scene kids. Yeah, we know they try and cater to independent music in general, but really , its scene. They’ve combined a constant flow of everything going on in the scene with some social networking, and message boards with just the kind of drama scene kids love. Absolutepunk, or as true scenesters call it, AP.net, is an internet megaplex of shit talking and Fall Out Boy love. When it comes to music news, Absolutepunk is the website to go to. They literally know everything, all the time, about all your favorite scenester stars; from what time Wil Farewell took a dump at the Pita Pit in Orlando, to how many colored vinyls are being released for the upcoming New Found Glory/Wonder Years/Four Year Strong album. Absolutepunk.net is the place any and all scenesters turn to, to know what’s up in the scene.  Their tag-line is  music mends broken hearts , but Jason Tate and crew forgot to tell you that all the drama in the general chat and PL thread is like salt on a wound. Even if you rarely venture into the messageboards,  the internet drama of AP will somehow make its way off of the internet and into real life. There is some kind of e-dramz gang going on out there, and it wouldn’t surprise me to see a brawl break out at this year’s Bamboozle. Love, lust, jealousy, and straight up bitchassness; all on AP.net. If you’ve never been on it, from what I hear, ChokeyChicken loves drama like Anton Djamoos loves Midtown. Not only is Absolutepunk.net the scenester website of all time,  they also make  a Sidekick friendly browser for all your news (and dramarama) on the go. If that doesn’t keep you wanting more, then maybe you’re just another mall goth.

Original post:
Read the rest of Absolutepunk.net

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In their neverending search to be unique, scene kids (with help from Myspace) took it upon themselves to alter their names in hopes make themselves appear more interesting… at least on the internet . To keep it as catchy as the latest Sparks the Rescue tune, the alliteration aliases were born. Tom Anderson woke up one morning to bulletins  from Regina Razorblade, Trevor Tragedy, Sarah Suspense , and a slew of other scene kids with matching initials. In case it isn’t obvious , alliterations are just the manifestation of scene kids’ true literary intelligence. Someone got bored in 8th grade advanced literature, and finally put all those *~stupid~* techniques to some use. Who knew Shakespeare was the founding member of the Whore Train? Unfourtunately, for all of you with names that start with letters that never quite made it to the front of adjectives, you’re stuck with nonsensical names (alliteration much!?) like Katie Kutthroat , or even better, Vikki Vibrator. What scenesters don’t seem to understand is that its not your name, number of e-friends, or your posting status on Overcast Kids that makes you cool, its that thing, personality that does. Yeah, that thing you threw out along with your old pair of flare jeans…

Original post:
Read the rest of Alliterations

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He loves god, and god loves anal.


I completely forgot that I had a MySpace related to one of my old websites ( O.R.G.A.S.M. – Online Role-Playing Gamers Against Stupid Mother-Fuckers ).  I got a message from MySpace today about said account and decided to log in and see what was happening.  Much to my surprise… I had a message!  From a 17 year old redneck that apparently has a hard-on for his dear and fluffy lord.  Much to my lack of surprise though, this poor little white boy seems to think he is of African American decent… much like every other future welfare recipient his age, complete with a blog featuring… "grillz".  Meet… Owens!

Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer (PBR)

Of all the beers under the sun, nothing quenches a scenesters thirst for bro-ing down like a nice Pabst Blue Ribbon.  Perfect for keeping up appearances, PBR is America’s dollar beer, but in Allston, Brooklyn, Capitol Hill, and all those other neighborhoods with Shepard Fairey wheatpastes on every corner, it’s like Cristal. As America’s favorite underground beer, PBR is one with the scene: Pabst is perfect for any touring band. What other dollar beer do you know of that is drinkable? Half the time you don’t even have to pay for PBR. Pabst sponsors events and companies all across the scene, from sketchy dance parties at dive bars (a scenester fave), to festival sponsorship, to street art events ( see Proletariat’s PBaRt) , wherever you are, PBR is too. The attraction between scene kids (well technically theyre supposed to be 21 ) is Pabst Blue Ribbon’s cult fashion. Like hair extensions, or strictly wearing American Apparel hoodies, holding that tall boy in your hand at this week’s Paper , with a group of scene-as-fuck Allstonites posing for party photography, makes you part of something. Yes, Chloe Cuntbag something even bigger than your teased hair.

Excerpt from:  Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer (PBR)

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What the hell do scene kids like anyways?

So as you have noticed I have been testing random code here and there.  Namely the syndication system that I have finally ( hopefully ) worked the kinks out of.  In celebration of this, I have stumbled upon another site that writes a bit upon the lines of ourselves ( Just a whole lot better, less hypocritical, and arguably a lot more amusing to read… well, a bit more high brow at the very least. )  Please welcome our first official syndicated… friend?  Hell I don't know what to call him…  At any rate, welcome StuffSceneKidsLike!  You will be seeing posts from his site appearing on here from time to time.

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Top Friends

In a world where you judge your friendships by the number of text messages and ims you send and receive from someone in a day, its hard to keep track of everyone. Luckily for you, and your equally scene counterparts on efagz and fueledbygossip, there’s a simple way to classify who you like more: Top Friends . A scene queen can only handle so much love and so many real friendships, so top friends is the perfect way to weed out the SIFs, the uglies, and that girl with the really bad FTSK tattoos on her foot. Beginning as a little box of your 8 besties on your Myspace profile, top friends quickly broke out across the scene. Now, you can have as many top friends as you want on Myspace. I’m sure someone committed suicide because they got replaced by a Alex Deleon in Demi Lovato’s top friends. And not only that, there are even top friends on your Sidekick. I don’t know what it is, but the order of one’s top friends, whether it be Myspace, Facebook, or your T-Mobile 5 Faves, is of utmost importance. Only the best of the best are in the top row… and I’m talking like at least 2k texts per month, or n00dz or something . Those that settle for a more mediocre spot are simply ranked by their internet popularity: Example: http://www.myspace.com/audreykitching . -Top row: besties and her favorite company to model for. -The other rows: a slur of internet phenomenons and neon clothing lines with secondary importance. Whoever you are, and whatever social networking you prefer, it is forever forcing you to choose the best of the best, and forget the rest. Creationists, I hate to break it to you but thanks to top friends, Darwinism is real, and it probably controls your 16 year olds e-life. ..

Excerpt from:  Top Friends

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This brings a tear to my eye.

I think she has the hots for me, what do you think?

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Monday, March 23, 2009

Run! Killer clowns from emo space!


Well that was a good time, and indeed one of the most vocal groups of kids I have encountered since I opened phreak all those years ago ( then lost the domain and had to wait for it to expire again ).  The article of course being heralded as a "failure to troll" ( regardless of the comments here on phreak, the five pages of comments on their little community, and a failed lolcreeps post ), myself being called a hypocrite ( you don't need a telescope to figure that one out ), ugly ( while true the fact still stands that the vast majority of them are masturbating to pictures of me from MySpace, because I am just that fucking awesome ), and that I have horrible fashion sense ( once again, you don't need a telescope to figure that out )… Oh and that while I harp on people for linguistics, mine suck ( but that's ok, I am allowed to have a horrible grasp upon the English language, once again, because I am just that awesome ).   While amusing for a bit, it pretty much turned into beating the corpse of a century old horse.   Though I did learn a good bit of information about I'd guess 70% of the community… they all have eating disorders and are for some reason proud of it…  I suppose the saving grace of that is that soon they will all be found in their parents basements dead via amphetamines and starvation.  Yay for small miracles!  But enough of that…

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Efagz: Attention whoring at its worst.


Now hopefully, the vast majority of you have either graduated, or at least been to high school… hopefully, then again I have been let down on my expectations before, and judging by some of the comments this site receive, said expectations are low.  So, in the spirit of that, allow me to paint a picture that is more the style of those that I am about to inform you of.  Imagine you, for some stupid reason are at Starbucks approximately 30 minutes after high school released for the day.  You take a look around and you realize you are surrounded by all of those popular kids that are over privileged, under educated, and unworthy of licking my boot, let alone breath my air.  The sounds of 100 little girls cackling in their broken English as a direct result of spending far too much time texting each other and from what only one could tell receiving regular dopamine injections as to actually enjoy the fact that their rich step father sexually abuses them on a nightly basis.  You know what I'm talking about, those pretty little things that can't say a sentence without repeating "Like" and "OhMaGawd" 30 to 40 times a second.  Now I want you to take that mental image, remove the popularity, and the physical attraction, add so called "High Fashion", an inability to comb your hair, and a blame the world attitude… what does that leave you with?  A Live Journal community by the name of "EFagz".

British brewery set to brew first authentic batch of India Pale Ale in 200 years by making it aboard a ship in the North Sea [Cool]

London Times

View original post here:
British brewery set to brew first authentic batch of India Pale Ale in 200 years by making it aboard a ship in the North Sea [Cool]

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Family who owns the fomer funeral home featured in the new film "A Haunting in Connecticut" say it isn't haunted, ask the amatuer ghost hunters to stay off their lawn because they're scaring the kids [Obvious]


Continued here:
Family who owns the fomer funeral home featured in the new film "A Haunting in Connecticut" say it isn't haunted, ask the amatuer ghost hunters to stay off their lawn because they're scaring the kids [Obvious]

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In December, some Farkers with very big hearts supported a middle school girls' chorus. Here's a thank you [Sappy]

(Dude, they're 12)

Excerpt from:  In December, some Farkers with very big hearts supported a middle school girls' chorus. Here's a thank you [Sappy]

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Another casualty of the recession: Bridezilla [Interesting]


View original here:
Another casualty of the recession: Bridezilla [Interesting]

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Ugly-ass pink baby elephant spotted in Botswana. No, the spotters had not been drinking and yes, there are pics [Sappy]

Daily Mail

Read the original:
Ugly-ass pink baby elephant spotted in Botswana. No, the spotters had not been drinking and yes, there are pics [Sappy]

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Problem: global warming. Solution: Turn off your power for an hour on 3/28. [Next up: world violence. Solution: be nice] [Stupid]

Seattle Times

Here is the original:
Problem: global warming. Solution: Turn off your power for an hour on 3/28. [Next up: world violence. Solution: be nice] [Stupid]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

Paper reacts to publishing false raunchy photos that cost woman election with a heartfelt "our bad" [Followup]

London Times

Read more:  Paper reacts to publishing false raunchy photos that cost woman election with a heartfelt "our bad" [Followup]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

Octo-mom won't reveal name of father. In other news, David Crosby breathes sigh of relief [Interesting]

New York Daily News

Original post:  Octo-mom won't reveal name of father. In other news, David Crosby breathes sigh of relief [Interesting]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

Now that parking meter rates have quintupled in Chicago drivers are doing the one thing that the revenue hungry Mayor never planned for: staying home. That sound you hear is local business owners sharpening their pitchforks [Obvious]

Chicago Sun-Times

Original post:  Now that parking meter rates have quintupled in Chicago drivers are doing the one thing that the revenue hungry Mayor never planned for: staying home. That sound you hear is local business owners sharpening their pitchforks [Obvious]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

Mother, undergoing sex change to become a man, says she will be the father to the twins she is pregnant with after she marries her female partner. The Aristocrats [Strange]

New York Daily News

Original post:
Mother, undergoing sex change to become a man, says she will be the father to the twins she is pregnant with after she marries her female partner. The Aristocrats [Strange]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

New school timetable introduced. Morning gym, followed by biological sciences, steel cage fighting and finally Art..... wait, hang on [Scary]

(Some Guy)

Excerpt from:  New school timetable introduced. Morning gym, followed by biological sciences, steel cage fighting and finally Art..... wait, hang on [Scary]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

Guy wins $22.5M lawsuit after catching polio from newly vaccinated daughter's dirty diaper. See honey, there's a legitimate reason why dads shouldn't change diapers [Scary]

(Some Guy)

The rest is here:
Guy wins $22.5M lawsuit after catching polio from newly vaccinated daughter's dirty diaper. See honey, there's a legitimate reason why dads shouldn't change diapers [Scary]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

Photoshop this rock climbing cutie [Photoshop]

(Some Guy)

Read the rest here:  Photoshop this rock climbing cutie [Photoshop]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

Man suffers terminal injuries in biker brawl at Sydney Airport [Sad]


View original here:
Man suffers terminal injuries in biker brawl at Sydney Airport [Sad]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

Old and busted: Sleepwalking. New hotness: Sleepf*cking [Strange]

News Of The World

Original post:  Old and busted: Sleepwalking. New hotness: Sleepf*cking [Strange]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

Police find man stuck in restaurant's vent. According to authorities, he kept mumbling, "Come out to the coast, we'll get together, have a few laughs" [Dumbass]


Original post:
Police find man stuck in restaurant's vent. According to authorities, he kept mumbling, "Come out to the coast, we'll get together, have a few laughs" [Dumbass]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

Two bodies found in Scottish loch, two men still missing. Bigfoot and Elvis sought for questioning after large, shadowy creature was spotted around the scene [Scary]

The Sun

More here:  Two bodies found in Scottish loch, two men still missing. Bigfoot and Elvis sought for questioning after large, shadowy creature was spotted around the scene [Scary]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

If you're going to set fire to your best friend's shoelaces, it might be an idea to have a hose ready. Y'know, just in case [Scary]

Daily Express

View original post here:
If you're going to set fire to your best friend's shoelaces, it might be an idea to have a hose ready. Y'know, just in case [Scary]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

Jellyfish invasion closes bay. How spineless [Scary]


View original post here:  Jellyfish invasion closes bay. How spineless [Scary]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

I'm a loanshaaark, I'm a loanshaaark, suck my diiiiick, I'm a loanshaaark [Sad]

News Of The World

Here is the original post:
I'm a loanshaaark, I'm a loanshaaark, suck my diiiiick, I'm a loanshaaark [Sad]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

Maurice LaMarche (voice of "The Brain" and wicked Shatner impressionist on "The Critic" and "Animaniacs") declares today "International Talk Like William Shatner Day." Bonus: He's ... even ... Canadian [Video]


See the rest here:  Maurice LaMarche (voice of "The Brain" and wicked Shatner impressionist on "The Critic" and "Animaniacs") declares today "International Talk Like William Shatner Day." Bonus: He's ... even ... Canadian [Video]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

Wild turkeys menace truckers at a Michigan service shop. WKRP's Les Nessman has been called in to resolve the situation [Amusing]

Houston Chronicle

Excerpt from:
Wild turkeys menace truckers at a Michigan service shop. WKRP's Les Nessman has been called in to resolve the situation [Amusing]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

Meet Max, the jail dog. Your dog doesn't want to pick up your dropped soap [Spiffy]


See the original post here:
Meet Max, the jail dog. Your dog doesn't want to pick up your dropped soap [Spiffy]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

To err is human, to rob a Chinese restaurant while four police officers are eating there is farkin' stupid [Fail]

Boston Channel

Read more here:  To err is human, to rob a Chinese restaurant while four police officers are eating there is farkin' stupid [Fail]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

Wax ban on, wax ban off. Issue likely to come back again, only thicker, fuller and darker [Followup]


Go here to see the original:  Wax ban on, wax ban off. Issue likely to come back again, only thicker, fuller and darker [Followup]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

Son takes his father's ashes to the doctor to stop endless appointment reminders. Fark: his father died in 2007 [Strange]

Daily Mail

Read the original:
Son takes his father's ashes to the doctor to stop endless appointment reminders. Fark: his father died in 2007 [Strange]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

Seismologists puzzled by "swarm" of small earthquakes near Hanford nuclear waste site. Godzilla unavailable for comment [Scary]

Oregon Live

View post:  Seismologists puzzled by "swarm" of small earthquakes near Hanford nuclear waste site. Godzilla unavailable for comment [Scary]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Erin Go Dragh: A male Irish journalist writes a hard-hitting report on how it felt to try on high heels (w/pic & bonus typo in headline) [Stupid]


Read the original post:
Erin Go Dragh: A male Irish journalist writes a hard-hitting report on how it felt to try on high heels (w/pic & bonus typo in headline) [Stupid]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

Photoshop this Haitian phalacrus [Photoshop]

(Some Guy)

The rest is here:  Photoshop this Haitian phalacrus [Photoshop]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

Pope condemns sorcery. Verdicts on alchemy, phrenology and necromancy still out [Dumbass]

3 News New Zealand

Pope condemns sorcery. Verdicts on alchemy, phrenology and necromancy still out [Dumbass]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

If you give someone a key and pay them to burn down your strip mall for insurance, make sure they relock the doors and pick up their kerosene cans [Fail]


More here:
If you give someone a key and pay them to burn down your strip mall for insurance, make sure they relock the doors and pick up their kerosene cans [Fail]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

For $400 here is the Answer: Fight outside a Trailer Park that involves an ax. How do you know the season is changing, Alex? (with picture) [Amusing]

Daily Herald

Original post:
For $400 here is the Answer: Fight outside a Trailer Park that involves an ax. How do you know the season is changing, Alex? (with picture) [Amusing]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

Old and busted: Arrested for drunk driving. New hotness: Arrested for drunk breastfeeding [Florida]


View post:  Old and busted: Arrested for drunk driving. New hotness: Arrested for drunk breastfeeding [Florida]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

Sorry, we are out of gold paint today. How about some white? [Amusing]

(WV Regional Jail)

Read more from the original source:
Sorry, we are out of gold paint today. How about some white? [Amusing]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

"I am the first person in my family to reach 16 without getting pregnant -- or getting somebody pregnant" [Interesting]


Read more from the original source:
"I am the first person in my family to reach 16 without getting pregnant -- or getting somebody pregnant" [Interesting]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

Bizarre career choice of the day: Earthworm fiddler (w/video) [Florida]

TampaBay.com (St. Petersburg Tim

Excerpt from:
Bizarre career choice of the day: Earthworm fiddler (w/video) [Florida]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

Florida seeking to ban ruff sex [Strange]


Original post:  Florida seeking to ban ruff sex [Strange]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

It is nice to have a girlfriend show up in court to support you. Not so nice to have two show up and begin fighting [Amusing]

(Eagle Tribune)

The rest is here:
It is nice to have a girlfriend show up in court to support you. Not so nice to have two show up and begin fighting [Amusing]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

2 die as African crowd stampedes into stadium to hear Pope speak. They must have been wearing condoms [Scary]


See the rest here:  2 die as African crowd stampedes into stadium to hear Pope speak. They must have been wearing condoms [Scary]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

The vampire the drinks its own blood


So, generally speaking ones online "Alias" is more of a perception of how they believe themselves to be, or an activity of some interest to them.  (Aside from people like GoAT of course… I don't think even he has a clue why the hell he named himself that… but that's not the point. )  So when someone uses a name you've using for say, 16 years, complete with un-needed x's, it's annoying.  When they do the aforementioned, are Emo, as well as a self-proclaimed vampire, that's just downright offensive.

Introducing! XxlucidxX…writing that just made me throw up in my mouth a bit… much like anything else related to this ringworm of society.  This one was found on VampireRave, which wow, congrats to KrucifiXiatioN for finding this… I'm going to have content for years now, but more on that later.  (P.S.  Left random parts out, as they serve no purpose… even in context. )

Preacher promotes his church through shot glasses. "I do things a little differently than other pastors." [Cool]

Des Moines Register

Here is the original:
Preacher promotes his church through shot glasses. "I do things a little differently than other pastors." [Cool]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

After being out crazied recently by the Mormons (prop 8) and Fox News (24hrs a day), and wanting more publicity, Fred Phelps has decided that "God hates Natasha Richardson" [Stupid]

(Some Poughkeepsie)

See original here:
After being out crazied recently by the Mormons (prop 8) and Fox News (24hrs a day), and wanting more publicity, Fred Phelps has decided that "God hates Natasha Richardson" [Stupid]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

Four police officers shot in Oakland; suspect dead [News]


Originally posted here:
Four police officers shot in Oakland; suspect dead [News]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

Clorox offering $5,000 and a year's worth of cleaning supplies to catch "Toilet Torcher." Of course, if Adrian Monk catches him, that year's worth of cleaning supplies is going to cost millions [Amusing]


Read the original here:
Clorox offering $5,000 and a year's worth of cleaning supplies to catch "Toilet Torcher." Of course, if Adrian Monk catches him, that year's worth of cleaning supplies is going to cost millions [Amusing]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

The latest casualty of the economic crisis? Pet health. Your dog wants an analgesic for his arthritic hip [Misc]

CBS News

Read more from the original source:  The latest casualty of the economic crisis? Pet health. Your dog wants an analgesic for his arthritic hip [Misc]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

Photoshop theme: Unlikely superhero movies [Photoshop]


Go here to see the original:
Photoshop theme: Unlikely superhero movies [Photoshop]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

You flip 16 tons, what do you get, 5000 evacuated and one hell of a mess. Rt. 33 is closed so you can't go, guess he won't swerve to miss deer no more [Scary]

The Morning Call

Read more:  You flip 16 tons, what do you get, 5000 evacuated and one hell of a mess. Rt. 33 is closed so you can't go, guess he won't swerve to miss deer no more [Scary]

Brought to you by: http://www.phreak2000.com

Friday, March 20, 2009

"Normally when you see a squirrel, it's just a squirrel. But now it's like I know him. He's a very worthy adversary" [Amusing]


Original post:
"Normally when you see a squirrel, it's just a squirrel. But now it's like I know him. He's a very worthy adversary" [Amusing]

Forty things every Southerner ought to do. 'His sister' surprisingly absent [Spiffy]

(Some Guy)

Here is the original post:
Forty things every Southerner ought to do. 'His sister' surprisingly absent [Spiffy]

Just like everything else at Whole Foods, "deadly spider" is probably just regular old spider with lots of false hype [Followup]


Continued here:
Just like everything else at Whole Foods, "deadly spider" is probably just regular old spider with lots of false hype [Followup]

Conquer Online: Equipment Bonus Quests

TQ Games has announced that players in Conquer Online will be able to take part in a series of Equipment Bonus Quests for improved gear starting on March 23rd.

More here:  Conquer Online: Equipment Bonus Quests

EverQuest: 10 Year Anniversary Video

SOE has released a new video in celebration of EverQuest's 10 year anniversary.

Read more:  EverQuest: 10 Year Anniversary Video

Fallen Earth: Weapons Concept Art

To complement today's overview of the weapons of Fallen Earth, we present eight pieces of concept art which depict these weapons in detail.

Go here to read the rest:
Fallen Earth: Weapons Concept Art

Stargate Worlds: Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment sued

Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment is being sued by a company called IO Capital Princess LLC for an unpaid open account.

Original post:  Stargate Worlds: Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment sued

Last Chaos: Expansion Pack 1 Launched

Aeria Games has announced the release of Expansion Pack 1 for Last Chaos, which adds new dungeons, gear, and skills, an automated market system, and more.

Continued here:  Last Chaos: Expansion Pack 1 Launched

General: Jesse Schell to Deliver LOGIN Keynote

Evergreen Events have announced that Jesse Schell will deliver a keynote speech at the 2009 LOGIN Conference titled "Make Games Not War" focusing on the potential influence, both positive and negative, that violent games could have on society.

Read the rest here:  General: Jesse Schell to Deliver LOGIN Keynote

Dream of Mirror Online: Same Gender Marriages for DOMO

Aeria Games has announced that they have enabled same gender marriages in the marriage system for Dream of Mirror Online.

Originally posted here:
Dream of Mirror Online: Same Gender Marriages for DOMO

EverQuest II: Producer's Letter: Fighter Revamp Rework

In a recent Producer's Letter to the EverQuest II community, the folks at EQ2 say they will be rethinking the recent revamp to the fighter archetypes and they are looking for player input to help them determine how to proceed.

Read more here:  EverQuest II: Producer's Letter: Fighter Revamp Rework

Runes of Magic: Ravenfell Area Tour

The folks at Runes of Magic have released a video tour of the game's new Ravenfell region, an area that will be added to the game with its official launch on March 19th.

Read more:  Runes of Magic: Ravenfell Area Tour

Taking a picture of a kid's haircut? That's a firin' [Asinine]

(Lowell Sun)

See the rest here:  Taking a picture of a kid's haircut? That's a firin' [Asinine]

Woman calls cops after finding rare shipment of white bananas [Dumbass]


View post:  Woman calls cops after finding rare shipment of white bananas [Dumbass]

So tell me Miss Hinze, what was it that first attracted you to billionaire Jim Clark? [Obvious]


Go here to read the rest:  So tell me Miss Hinze, what was it that first attracted you to billionaire Jim Clark? [Obvious]

"The man landed completely naked on the floor of the business -- pepperoni and all" [Amusing]

Denver Channel

Read more from the original source:
"The man landed completely naked on the floor of the business -- pepperoni and all" [Amusing]

Autistic teen not guilty in mother's death, keeps muttering something about Sand People [Amusing]

Cleveland Plain Dealer

Original post:
Autistic teen not guilty in mother's death, keeps muttering something about Sand People [Amusing]

Woman accused of spray painting obscenities on several cars and a shed after her ex-boyfriend began talking to other women. (w/ "you'd probably spray paint it" mugshot) [Interesting]

(Some Guy)

See more here:
Woman accused of spray painting obscenities on several cars and a shed after her ex-boyfriend began talking to other women. (w/ "you'd probably spray paint it" mugshot) [Interesting]

Church pastor cited for shooting arrow during service. At least he got his point across [Dumbass]

(Sheboygan Press)

The rest is here:
Church pastor cited for shooting arrow during service. At least he got his point across [Dumbass]

After a student sends a state senator a poorly written letter questioning why lawmakers are cutting education funds, senator writes back criticizing the student's poor education. Bonus: the student is a special needs kid [Ironic]


After a student sends a state senator a poorly written letter questioning why lawmakers are cutting education funds, senator writes back criticizing the student's poor education. Bonus: the student is a special needs kid [Ironic]

Woman who carved up her lover's arm during a drink and drug-fuelled fling is back on the dating scene, still cuts a fine figure [Followup]


Read more from the original source:
Woman who carved up her lover's arm during a drink and drug-fuelled fling is back on the dating scene, still cuts a fine figure [Followup]

Birds of a feather disappear together [Sad]


Originally posted here:
Birds of a feather disappear together [Sad]

And in Florida they found out that the ambulances arrive too quickly so they are planning cuts in the service to delay response to a reasonable level [Florida]

Tampa Bay Online

See more here:  And in Florida they found out that the ambulances arrive too quickly so they are planning cuts in the service to delay response to a reasonable level [Florida]

Trio charged with trashing Moorhead, MN hotel room, nihilism, kidnapping Fawn Knutsen [Stupid]

(Fargo Forum)

Read the rest here:
Trio charged with trashing Moorhead, MN hotel room, nihilism, kidnapping Fawn Knutsen [Stupid]

Seattle now cracking down on off-leash dogs, leaving people to wonder why the laws are $uddenly being enfor¢ed [Obvious]

(Some Guy)

Read more here:
Seattle now cracking down on off-leash dogs, leaving people to wonder why the laws are $uddenly being enfor¢ed [Obvious]

Golf cart rage strikes again [Florida]


See the original post:  Golf cart rage strikes again [Florida]

To be fair, it's the question most people in the western world are asking [Stupid]

Daily Express

Here is the original post:
To be fair, it's the question most people in the western world are asking [Stupid]

If you're going to do burnouts in parking lot, make sure they're not at local police academy during graduation ceremonies. Growing marijuana plants at home isn't recommended either [Dumbass]

(Some Mad Max)

Continued here:  If you're going to do burnouts in parking lot, make sure they're not at local police academy during graduation ceremonies. Growing marijuana plants at home isn't recommended either [Dumbass]

Sergeant saves his patrol by charging enemy fighters despite grenade wounds, gets Silver Star, Brass Nutsack awards [Hero]

(War on Terror News)

Here is the original:  Sergeant saves his patrol by charging enemy fighters despite grenade wounds, gets Silver Star, Brass Nutsack awards [Hero]

Online poker player from Germany makes $10,000 in 15 days by grinding up to 700 sit & go tournaments a day [Spiffy]


More:  Online poker player from Germany makes $10,000 in 15 days by grinding up to 700 sit & go tournaments a day [Spiffy]

"Pom Pom, you have been and always will be my dog, but today, I gotta play the strategy card. I'm goin' with Pom Pom" [Cool]

Homestar Runner

Here is the original:  "Pom Pom, you have been and always will be my dog, but today, I gotta play the strategy card. I'm goin' with Pom Pom" [Cool]

Star Trek Online: Path to 2409: Seven of Nine Interview

Cryptic Studios has updated their Path to 2409 series of Star Trek lore which bridges the gap between the end of the TNG time frame and 2409, where the era of Star Trek Online begins. The update takes a further look at the events of 2385 in an interview with Annika Hansen, aka Seven of Nine, and her opinions on Starfleet's handling of the Borg threat.

Excerpt from:  Star Trek Online: Path to 2409: Seven of Nine Interview

StarQuest Online: Getting Your Feet Wet in StarQuest Onlin

MMORPG.com StarQuest Online Correspondent Benjamin Buske writes this article going over the early tutorial portion of the space-based game.

Go here to read the rest:
StarQuest Online: Getting Your Feet Wet in StarQuest Onlin

Lord of the Rings Online: A Look at Book 7

MMORPG.com's Donna Desborough recently had a chance to go and look at the new additions that Turbine brought in with the recent launch of Book 7 for Lord of the Rings Online

View original post here:
Lord of the Rings Online: A Look at Book 7

DC Universe: Hands-On Preview

Former MMORPG.com Editor Dana Massey pens this hands on preview report from his recent trip to SOE Austin where they are making DC Universe

The rest is here:  DC Universe: Hands-On Preview

Earthrise: Exclusive Screenshots

Today we present three exclusive screenshots from Earthrise, showing the tone of this upcoming post-apocalyptic MMORPG.

Read the original:
Earthrise: Exclusive Screenshots

Lord of the Rings Online: Book 7 Screenshots

To complement Donna Desborough's look at Book 7, the latest content update for Lord of the Rings Online, we present sixteen new screenshots from the expansion.

See the original post here:
Lord of the Rings Online: Book 7 Screenshots

The Warlords: Get Your Beta Key Now!

MMORPG.com has partnered with TQ Digital to give our members access to the beta test for The Warlods! All you need to get your free key is a MMORPG.com account!

Read the original here:  The Warlords: Get Your Beta Key Now!

Runes of Magic: Runes of Magic Officially Launched

Frogster has announced that their free to play fantasy MMORPG Runes of Magic has now officially launched.

Read more:
Runes of Magic: Runes of Magic Officially Launched

Eudemons Online: The Divine Path Expansion in the Works

The folks at Eudemons Online have announced that the game will receive a new expansion called The Divine Path in the first half of this year.

Original post:
Eudemons Online: The Divine Path Expansion in the Works

AdventureQuest Worlds: 32,000 Players Join in Un-Live Event

Artix Entertainment has announced that over 32,000 players took part in the Un-Live Event which was held last Friday the 13th in AdventureQuest Worlds. Because of the positive response they say they will be continuing the event for another week.

See more here:  AdventureQuest Worlds: 32,000 Players Join in Un-Live Event

Godswar Online: Closed Beta Starts Today

IGG has announced that the closed beta test for GodsWar Online will begin Today, March 20th.

Read the rest here:  Godswar Online: Closed Beta Starts Today

Voyage Century: Profession Guide

In a recent update, Voyage Century received several new professions, and today the folks at IGG have posted a guide to help players choose the right profession for their tastes.

Original post:
Voyage Century: Profession Guide

World of Warcraft: The New Battle.net Account

Blizzard has announced that players can now create a new Battle.net account or merge their WoW account with their Battle.net account to simplify the login process for Blizzard's various game's and services.

See more here:  World of Warcraft: The New Battle.net Account

Pirates of the Burning Sea: Devlog: I Hope You Never Notice My Work

The folks at Pirates of the Burning Sea have posted a new devlog which looks at how the tech guys deal with crashes and error reports.

Read the original post:  Pirates of the Burning Sea: Devlog: I Hope You Never Notice My Work

General: Astro A40 Audio System Review

Recently, MMORPG.com Managing Editor Jon Wood has been assessing the Astro A40 Audio System as a replacement for his old gaming headsets. He liked what he saw and today presents his review.

Excerpt from:
General: Astro A40 Audio System Review

Stargate Worlds: Stargate Worlds Screenshots

After a period of relative quiet from the folks at Stargate Worlds, Cheyenne Mountain has released several new screenshots. Today we present those screenshots and several others that haven't yet made their way into our screenshot gallery.

Read more:  Stargate Worlds: Stargate Worlds Screenshots

Fallen Earth: Balancing Weapons Dev Journal, pt 1

In a developer journal from Brandes Stoddard, a systems designer for the upcoming post-apocalyptic MMO, Fallen Earth, fans learn how development team members must continually improve game systems in order to make the player experience more enjoyable. In the first part of the series, Brandes explains the necessity of balancing weapons in an MMO

View post:
Fallen Earth: Balancing Weapons Dev Journal, pt 1

Warhammer Online : Age of Reckoning: A Look at Guilds

MMORPG.com Warhammer Online Correspondent Michael Dennis writes this basic look at Guilds in Mythic's RvR game.

See more here:
Warhammer Online : Age of Reckoning: A Look at Guilds

The Chronicles of Spellborn: Exclusive Screenshots

Today we present twelve exclusive screenshots from The Chronicles of Spellborn.

More here:  The Chronicles of Spellborn: Exclusive Screenshots